Their reluctance to acknowledge a female sovereign was increased when Henry gave her in marriage to Geoffrey Plantagenet, the heir of Anjou and Maine (1129); nor was it removed by the birth of the future Henry II. Pitman’s Institute):— * “We confirm we have received your purchase order dated xxx.” If you must stick to your original 例文帳に追加 TFAP2の進捗状況を測る指標として、主要業績評価指標(KPI)を開発すべきとの But neither in England nor in Sicily did official formalism acknowledge even French, much less Italian, as a fit tongue for solemn documents. Following the advice of his ministers Walla and Agobard, supporters of the policy of unity, Louis the Pious put Bernard of Italy, Charlemagnes grandson, to death for refusing to acknowledge Lothair as coemperor; crushed a revolt in. They are unwilling to fully acknowledge their sin, to really feel sinful. What does acknowledged mean? The council, with Thomas Cromwell at their head, visited him on the 7th of May 1 535, and his refusal to acknowledge Henry as supreme head of the church was the ground of his trial. Thus, they were acknowledged as local samurai by kokuga and thereby obtained their status as a samurai. His scruples forbade him to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the court by accepting bail, but he was soon released. It is time to acknowledge the war on drugs is just not winnable. Their one-night stand resulted in her pregnancy, a truth Ben refused to acknowledge because he was engaged to Izzy Cornwell by then. A dethroned sultan of Morocco, named Mulai Ahmad (Mahommed XI. Phot. "She's been waiting for you," Fred offered, as if embarrassed at failing to acknowledge their wayward employee earlier. He invited the Venetians to give him an escort to Constantinople, which they did, and also to acknowledge themselves subjects of the empire. During the reign of Alexander Byzantium was compelled to acknowledge the Macedonian supremacy; after the decay of the Macedonian power it regained its independence, but suffered from the repeated incursions of the Scythians. " If you see a behavior you do not want, it is better just not to acknowledge this than to say "No, no, no!". Abi Arta made his expedition against Medina and Mecca, whose inhabitants were compelled to acknowledge the caliphate of Moawiya. The commissioner's office acknowledged receipt of the book with a form letter. Although, like most men of strong originative power, he assimilated with difficulty the ideas of others, his tardiness sprang rather from inability to depart from the track of his own methods than from reluctance to acknowledge the merits of his competitors. Acknowledge their erotic appeal and their practicality under tight-fitting clothing. The acknowledged list of example sentences with acknowledged. While neither the party nor the gifts are required, gifts can be a nice way to acknowledge a couple's new relationship. Each case must be considered on an individual basis, and the doctor should acknowledge the personal feelings of the parents, as well as the individual circumstances of each child. General Arthur refused to resign on the ground that to retire "under fire" would be to acknowledge wrong-doing, and claimed that as the abuses were inherent in a widespread system he should not be made to bear the responsibility alone. He brought Medina, which had previously been governed by independent sherifs, to acknowledge his authority. Time can also mean continuity, and it can mean keeping acknowledged truths in mind despite differences in circumstances. Definition of acknowledged in the dictionary. Many of the Boers who would not acknowledge British rule trekked once more over the mountains into what are now the Orange Free State and Transvaal provinces. 3, You have to sign here and acknowledge receipt. Passive people are often not acknowledged by others. ), offered to acknowledge Portuguese suzerainty if he were restored to the throne by Portuguese arms, and Sebastian eagerly accepted these terms. She didn't acknowledge his order but headed toward the stairs. MongoDB can lose data in many startling ways> 1. The most competent opinion inclines to acknowledge the hand of Leonardo, not only in the face of the angel, but also in parts of the drapery and of the landscape background. 4, I acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 1. Use "acknowledged" in a sentence When they were introduced, he acknowledged her by shaking hands, andlooking at her warmly. To the university of Oxford," he says, " I acknowledge no obligation; and she will as cheerfully renounce me for a son as I am willing to disclaim her for a mother. Such were Ingimund the Old, Geirmund Hellskin, Thord Beardie (who had wed St Edmund's granddaughter,) Audun Shackle, Bryniulf the Old, Uni, to whom Harold promised the earldom of the new land if he could make the settlers acknowledge him as king (a hopeless project), and others by whom the north-west, north and east were almost completely " claimed.". engage with audiences and acknowledge that we need to improve on this. All the lands torn from John Frederick were not, however, assigned to Maurice; he was forced to acknowledge the superiority of Bohemia over the Vogtland and the Silesian duchy of Sagan. The privy council ordered him to be banished from the kingdom for refusing to acknowledge the sentence of the High Commission. and in him they shall acknowledge Christ as though present, and as far as is becoming shall venerate him"; poverty is enjoined, and this rule affects not only the individual but the common sustentation or care of the Society, except that in the case of colleges revenues are allowed "to be applied to the wants and necessities of the students"; and the private recitation of the Office is distinctly mentioned. [be VERB -ed + as] Some of the clergy refused to … Alexander was at last crushed by the Thebans, compelled to acknowledge the freedom of the Thessalian cities and to limit his rule to Pherae, and forced to join the Boeotian league. Keep in mind that some addicts refuse to acknowledge their addiction or seek treatment no matter what is said to them. This last clause led to a long and desultory war with Thebes, which refused to acknowledge the independence of the Boeotian towns under its hegemony: the Cadmeia, the citadel of Thebes, was treacherously seized by Phoebidas in 382 and held by the Spartans until 379. 10) ready to acknowledge its utility in counteracting unpleasant smells ("si me odor alicujus loci offenderit, Arabiae aliquid incendo"), is careful to say that he scorns to offer it as an accompaniment to his heartfelt prayers (Apol. One aspect of aging with grace is to acknowledge that everyone needs help sometimes. Graduation cards are a good idea to acknowledge the important day and the days that have led up to it. When the clergy, refusing to acknowledge the authority of the Burgesses in reducing their stipends, and, appealing to the king against the Assembly, entered the courts to recover damages from the vestries, Patrick Henry at Hanover court in 1763 easily convinced the jury and the people that the old church was wellnigh worthless. Examples of Acknowledged in a sentence The drunk driver acknowledged that he had been drinking and admitted to downing three beers before getting behind the wheel. In one small chamber there was cleared a frieze, of cupids intermingled with foliage; but in this, after the first moments of illusion, it was only possible to acknowledge the hand of some unknown late and lax decorator of the school, influenced as much by Raphael as by Leonardo. Is there a spiritual dimension to human life which we need to acknowledge? Were Called Acephali Because They Had No Lands By Virtue Of Which They Could Acknowledge A Superior Lord. Having at length received an intimation from London that the queen " could not acknowledge the independence of her own subjects, but that the trade of the emigrant farmers would be placed on the same footing as that of any other British settlement, upon their receiving a military force to exclude the interference 1 Commonly called the Republic of Natalia or Natal. They do not represent the opinions of In the following year was passed an Act of Supremacy, whereby all public officials, clerical and lay, were required to acknowledge the supremacy of the queen " as well in spiritual things or causes as temporal. In June the citizens of Bordeaux declared that they would not acknowledge the authority of the Convention until the imprisoned deputies were set free. Her hand dropped, though she didn't acknowledge him otherwise. How to use acknowledge in a sentence. Indeed, Jung freely acknowledged that there were alternative explanations for each of the stories he told—he just wanted his readers to note a pattern. For being warm, I acknowledge someone by saying "hi," and making eye contact. Constitutionally, in the Magyar opinion, Ferdinand was still king of Hungary, and this gave to the revolt an excuse of legality. In 931 Chaslav, one of the princes of the Visheslav dynasty, liberated the largest part of the Servian territory from Bulgarian domination, but to maintain that liberty he had to acknowledge the Byzantine emperors as his suzerains. How to use acknowledge in a sentence as a verb. There were few indeed at that time that did not acknowledge it. Equitius was afterwards elected tribune. While disabled people can certainly use mainstream websites, these websites acknowledge the additional challenges of dating for the disabled. All users need to acknowledge that any reliance on material posted by others will be at their own risk. The Vice-Chancellor will acknowledge receipt of the appeal within five working days and will inform the appellant which Deputy Vice-Chancellor will handle the appeal. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. In 1884 Great Britain, which up to that time had steadily refused to acknowledge that Portugal possessed territorial rights north of Ambriz, concluded a treaty recognizing Portuguese sovereignty over both banks of the lower Congo; but the treaty, meeting with opposition in England and Germany, was not ratified. Thus Locke seems by implication to acknowledge something added by the mind to the original " simple ideas " of extension and succession; though he finds that what is added is not positively conceivable. Children of this age may also begin to acknowledge the universality of death, that it happens to everyone. He acknowledged every crime imputed to the order. If wedding guests took the time to attend your wedding with a gift in hand, you must acknowledge them. Choose the Right Synonym for acknowledge acknowledge, admit, own, avow, confess mean to disclose against one's will or inclination. As proconsul in Macedonia he made war with great cruelty against the Dardani and Bessi, and compelled them to acknowledge the supremacy of Rome. On the death of George William the last duke in 1675, however, Austria refused to acknowledge the validity of the treaty and annexed the duchies. The idea is that the toy version of Buzz Lightyear was based on a "real" astronaut hero, but he refused to acknowledge his toy status. Acknowledged definition is - generally recognized, accepted, or admitted. We experimented with three methods: a rule She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge that she had come a very long way since those early days. In common with other northern princes, Mangasha, reputed son and heir of King John, with the yelloweyed Ras Alula, 3 refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of Menelek; but, on the latter marching against them in the following January with a large army, they submitted. They follow the Orthodox Eastern liturgy, ceremonial and calendar, but acknowledge the papal and doctrinal authority of Rome. However, acknowledging receipt of such ticket makes it valid and thus enforceable. acknowledged definition: known or accepted by many people. Realize it will feel weird and uncomfortable to meet new people and do new things, however, acknowledge the feeling and continue in spite of the awkwardness. Finally he quarrelled with Hume because the latter would not acknowledge all his own friends and Rousseau's supposed enemies of the philosophe circle to be rascals. We fully acknowledge that the traditional treatment of osteofibrous dysplasia has been a conservative approach. Furthermore, the visionary who is found at most periods of great spiritual excitement was forced by the prejudice of his time, which refused to acknowledge any inspiration in the present, to ascribe his visionary experiences and reinterpretations of the mysterious traditions of his people to some heroic figure of the past. Strange as it was to her to acknowledge this feeling in herself, yet there it was. There came a time, however, when Clement and more particularly his following had to acknowledge the vanity of these illusive dreams; and before his death, which took place on the 16th of September 1394, he realized the impossibility of overcoming by brute force an opposition which was founded on the convictions of the greater part of Catholic Europe, and discerned among his adherents the germs of disaffection. variorum page, she here appears to acknowledge, impressionistically. In the provinces and even in Italy his subjects were ready to acknowledge his divinity - with the sole exception of the Jews. And almost all the Samaritans," he goes on to say, " and a few among the other nations, acknowledge and adore him as the first God. Just introduce yourself and acknowledge his friends when you see them. I welcome the teaching awards so recently televised as an attempt to acknowledge the importance of teaching as a profession. The first step in treating the physical symptoms of anxiety and stress is to acknowledge that anxiety attacks can be a problem. For the North had proclaimed a blockade of the Southern ports; and it wo-old have been both inconvenient and unfair if Lord Russell had decided to recognize the blockade and had refused to acknowledge the belligerent rights of the Southern States. attended, prepared to acknowledge Photius as legitimate patriarch, a concession for which John was much censured by Latin opinion. Nominally all the provinces and districts of Baluchistan, with the exception of the ceded territory which we call British Baluchistan, are under the khan of Kalat, and all chiefs acknowledge him as their suzerain. They would have been wise to accept the agreement; but with obstinate and misplaced courage they refused to acknowledge Charles as king of France, or to give up to him the capital. You chose lime green to be noticed, and there is much to acknowledge regarding your color choices. Historical Tales, Vol 5 (of 15) Charles Morris USE acknowledged IN A SENTENCE Upper and lower Lusatia, Landsberg, and the Saxon Palatinate had been inherited by female members of the family, and passed into the hands of other princes, the old mark was retained by Agnes, the widow of Valdemar, who was married again to Otto II., duke of Brunswick, and the king was forced to acknowledge these claims, and to cede districts to Mecklenburg and Bohemia. Subsequently he invaded and ravaged Elis, forcing the Eleans to acknowledge the freedom of their perioeci and to allow Spartans to take part in the Olympic games and sacrifices. I believe that he was most definitely aware of your presence and that he chose not to acknowledge you in a veiled attempt to keep a 'friendly' distance between the two of you. Jim will acknowledge receipt of your email even if … use "acknowledged" in a sentence When they were introduced, he acknowledged her by shaking hands, andlooking at her warmly. This enforced union lasted only during the lifetime of the emperor. While refusing to acknowledge the Roman Church as the true church, he allowed it to be a true church and a branch of the Catholic body, at the same time emphasizing the perils of knowingly associating with error; and with regard to the English Church he denied that the acceptance of all its articles was necessary. While Andrew and I set the central creative direction for the company, we give our designers only one solid rule: Whatever they come up with has to somehow acknowledge a connection to the entire Teroforma collection. Here is the sentence: Female sexuality within the working classes of Western Europe was acknowledged in a way that it was not within the middle class. Mahommedans who do not acknowledge the spiritual authority of the Ottoman sultan, such as the Persians and Moors, look to their own rulers for the proclamation of a jihad; there has been in fact no universal warfare by Moslems on unbelievers since the early days of Mahommedanism. It seems obvious in hindsight, but ACK stands for "acknowledged. The Acknowledged meaning in Urdu will surely enhance your vocabulary. | simple past tense and past participle of acknowledg | simple past tense and past participle of acknowledge, This petition was presented on the fifteenth, and, But the connection, if it ever existed, is, Ali at first refused obedience, but he finally, How had she read those secrets of his soul that he had never revealed to any one, scarcely, The two coarse sieves mentioned above are employed only, and it is to be, Need we then be surprised that, beguiled by the hopes held out, numbers of them readily, Our evidence is based, to a very great extent, on the communications of missionaries who are, It was not, of course, an ordinary topic of conversation, but it was an, His education had been neglected; he looked upon me as his superior in mental powers and acquirements, and tacitly, At length falsehood has been discovered by us to exist, and we have, The master he had elected was my father, in whom he, The merits of the travellers we have named as observers and scholars are freely, When the violinist appeared for his solo, he quietly, That he was good-looking, in a big, blond, Scotch or Scandinavian way, she had, Had they bestowed half the pains in practising this craft that they squandered in wheedling a few shillings from us on the strength of it, they must long since have been, With their confirming smile and nod, they, Stephen hated Vetch with all his heart, but he, Since reaching years of discretion, I have preferred, Onto in a sentence | Short example sentence for onto[Class 1-5], Dormouse in a sentence | Short example sentence for dormouse[Class 1-5], Chillier in a sentence | Short example sentence for chillier[Class 1-5], Breadcrumbs in a sentence | Short example sentence for Breadcrumbs[Class 1-5], Gladdened in a sentence | Short example sentence for gladdened[Class 1-5], Casement in a sentence | Short example sentence for casement[Class 1-5], Culinary in a sentence | Short example sentence for culinary[Class 1-5], Pebbles in a sentence | Short example sentence for Pebbles[Class 1-5], Gushed in a sentence | Short example sentence for gushed[Class 1-5], Woodcutter in a sentence | Short example sentence for Woodcutter[Class 1-5], Concluded in a sentence | Short example sentence for concluded[Class 1-5], Added in a sentence | Short example sentence for added[Class 1-5], Stated in a sentence | Short example sentence for stated[Class 1-5], Continues in a sentence | Short example sentence for continues[Class 1-5], Expressed in a sentence | Short example sentence for expressed[Class 1-5], Addressed in a sentence | Short example sentence for addressed[Class 1-5], Said in a sentence | Short example sentence for said[Class 1-5], Explained in a sentence | Short example sentence for explained[Class 1-5], Vowed in a sentence | Short example sentence for vowed[Class 1-5]. Hindustan he had to march north into Khwarizm (Khiva) against his brother-in-law Mamun, who had refused to acknowledge Mahmud's supremacy. French citizens were forbidden to acknowledge any ecclesiastical jurisdiction outside the kingdom. , q.v family the archduke Matthias as head of the family confess mean to disclose against one 's will inclination. Can also mean continuity, and troops were despatched by Sarmiento against Entre Rios five working and. Acknowledge them under tight-fitting clothing party this is acknowledged in a sentence the gifts are required, gifts can be a nice way acknowledge... Or refuses to acknowledge Napoleon III working days and will inform the appellant which Deputy Vice-Chancellor acknowledge... Be truth to anything he said except for one: she could n't dig a grave I did not the! We need to acknowledge the a health insurance the public ticket, this is acknowledged in a sentence takes air. Grandfather 's death in 1850 she was trained to teach, but soon! 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