With the air of a practical Petersburg lady she now, keeping Pierre close beside her, entered the room even more boldly than that afternoon. He held her close and breathed in her scent. Edith tried to close her door but Fred deftly slipped his foot in the way. They were silent for a few moments before he asked, "If you were that close to where Shipton fell, you must have seen Edith.". Fritz and Royce were squatted close to the fire, probably not wanting to get far from the food. Deidre waited for the portal to close before she rose. Yully moved towards him and dragged his fevered body close to the fire again. Gabriel's temper was close to boiling over, for the umpteenth time since he inherited the responsibilities of Death. In the very nature of things, articulation is an unsatisfactory means of education; while the use of the manual alphabet quickens and invigorates mental activity, since through it the deaf child is brought into close contact with the English language, and the highest and most abstract ideas may be conveyed to the mind readily and accurately. When she was close enough to the house, she ran to the courtyard and slipped in through the back door. On the left our troops were close to a copse, in which smoked the bonfires of our infantry who were felling wood. Jenn heard Jonny's door close, and the sound woke her from her light sleep. I didn't want to say it, but I saw her, real close to where Shipton fell. It was not a stretch, not with his muscular body pressed against her and his rugged features so close. He moved close and pressed some meat into her hand. If he tossed Sasha.s body close enough to one of them, the vial would be safe. You skim down to the end of the email and find that it is signed by "Brian Jones." Although some people fear that granting prisoners the right to vote may lead to more relaxed laws surrounding specific crimes, prisoners are part of the American population. screamed a woman coming out of a gate close by. From habit she scrutinized the ladies' dresses, condemned the bearing of a lady standing close by who was not crossing herself properly but in a cramped manner, and again she thought with vexation that she was herself being judged and was judging others, and suddenly, at the sound of the service, she felt horrified at her own vileness, horrified that the former purity of her soul was again lost to her. It was so close to the sea that those who lived in it could hear the waves forever beating against the shore. Your conclusion isn’t just a summary of what you’ve already written. Along with her BS in marketing from Florida State University and MA in museum studies from Johns Hopkins University, she has spent the past 7 years learning how best to reach and teach people using the power of words. "What a fine fellow you are, friend!" Dusty, we found out why he wants to keep her close. It seemed as if I chattered incessantly with other people and suddenly remembered that this could not please him, and I wished to come close to him and embrace him. "If we could find a way to deal with [objection], would you sign the contract on [set period in time]?" close-up. My wife and I had promised each other to remain constantly in phone contact after the close calls in New Hampshire. Natasha went up, looked at the dead eyes, and hastened to close them. Every time he moved close enough to see her face, she vanished. The girl was close enough behind him to smell the dankness of his tangled locks. He always made sure one of the adults was close by, but his youth and a natural sense of balance helped him to catch on to the sport quickly. When his hands found her waist and drew her close, passion came without warning, completely consuming her body and soul. Desire still a hot ember inside of her, she was tempted to set the record straight, but maybe it was best he didn't know how close she had come to giving in. I saw them close up their ranks six times in succession and march as if on parade. Had I the knowledge of what would become of the star-crossed lovers, I would have warned Romeo that Juliet’s death was a hoax and to wait until she woke up. She.d cracked the door to her heart for Rhyn to shove his foot in the door and now needed to close, lock, and deadbolt it closed again. He spoke to her, and his cold presence was close. They had stayed close by their homes, watching unseen, for a few years, until it became too painful. Dean and his wife firmly stated, in close harmony, it was none of any of their business. Critical differences between Phrase and Clause At all events, I slipped down from the bed and nestled close to the fire which had not flickered out. Did you get close enough to read the calendar? She rose and approached, resting back on her heels in front of him, close enough for him to smell her musk and feel her heat. Close-up sentence examples. From access to inaccurate information to the rise of cyberbullying, the bad can sometimes outweigh the good among younger users. You were so close to the end, we couldn't take a chance. He stood a full head taller than Connor, but they probably were close in size across the chest. As Edgar and I were discussing the common themes and dark imagery of his works, the waiter interrupted us. "Jonny, hon, let me tell you one thing," she said and approached close enough she was certain no one else could overhear her. 2. Pierre went close up to him, but Davout, evidently consulting a paper that lay before him, did not look up. If more universities embraced the Pay It Forward model, the United States might become one of the most educated countries in the world. Even with his poor eye for such things, Dean could see that it was far lovelier that anything close to what their budget could have afforded. A close organization. She leaned against him and he held her close. It can be used to close an event or a transaction. Everyone bent close and examined them as Claire continued to hold them in her hand. She commiserated with the brown-tinged blossoms left behind by other customers who didn't want to be so close to death. Dean went to close up while Cynthia readied the sofa for Donnie's bed. But as soon as she had turned away she felt that he was there, behind, so close behind her. That morning, Cossacks of Denisov's party had seized and carried off into the forest two wagons loaded with cavalry saddles, which had stuck in the mud not far from Mikulino where the forest ran close to the road. He put an arm around her waist and drew her close. What does close mean? Molly moved close to her and put her arm about her waist. Other articles where Closed sentence is discussed: metalogic: Truth definition of the given language: …to distinguish between open and closed sentences. I close my eyes and it's as if she's who I am. So close, and yet she had never seen one in the yard. The state boys figure I'm too close to you to be what somebody calls 'objective'. Might he be nearly as close to us as Owen Bryce had been? definitions. Now they drew close to the fox which began to dodge between the field in sharper and sharper curves, trailing its brush, when suddenly a strange white borzoi dashed in followed by a black one, and everything was in confusion; the borzois formed a star-shaped figure, scarcely swaying their bodies and with tails turned away from the center of the group. No one has ever come this close to catching me! A cannon ball, flying close to him, caused him to duck and bend over his horse. Should I date him? She didn't hear him approach, but he sounded close. She crossed more boldly this time, terrified of seeing the doorway close behind her before she'd made it through another one. Snuggling close, she lifted her face to accept his kiss. Look at the following examples of good closing sentences and choose one that works for you. The folks at Glassdoor suggest a strong closing statement in your cover letter may land you an interview. Only when the whole scope of the problem is known can society begin to come up with a comprehensive solution. He said it out loud, but there was no one close enough to hear. Tall and lean, with eyes as black as Gabriel's, the man who stood too close for her comfort wore normal enough clothing, aside from the knives strapped to his thighs. It was his way of focusing in - pulling her close without the intimacy of touching. In fact she had avoided - even pushed away those who might want to claim close friendship. The roof was so constructed that one could stand up in the middle of the trench and could even sit up on the beds if one drew close to the table. The director wanted me to help as much as I could but if someone was getting too close, I was to drop it. One look at Dean told her she was getting close to home. He chuckled softly and tugged her close again. First, a person must have a research question he or she wants answered and a little background knowledge on the subject. In short, an awesome essay conclusion is super important because it rounds out your essay and makes it feel complete. He hugged her, a darker thought crossing his mind as he held her and their child close. "I can close down Econ Scrutiny, Inc. from my end after you've informed the others," he said. close the deal in a sentence - 11. Types of a sentence. She snatched the lighter on the mantle and ran to the door, standing close until the alcohol lit and spread. Read How to Write a Killer Essay Conclusion. The room went black and his arms instantly surrounded her, drawing her close in an eager embrace. "It's here, close by," said she and, running across the yard, opened a gate in a wooden fence and, stopping, pointed out to him a small wooden wing of the house, which was burning brightly and fiercely. My eyes fill with tears now as I think how my mother pressed me close to her, speechless and trembling with delight, taking in every syllable that I spoke, while little Mildred seized my free hand and kissed it and danced, and my father expressed his pride and affection in a big silence. synonyms. And yet, Katie and Alex were close siblings now in spite of their age difference. "If I didn't want you leaving, I'd close the portals," he replied. But I sure took a close look at my old man's will. Anyway, hadn't Giddon said that he wouldn't let anything happen to her as long as she was close to him? While it has been nearly 150 years since the Civil War ended, some of the leftover divide between North and South can still be seen in modern America. He stopped walking and stood close enough for their chests to brush when she breathed in. He was so close … and couldn't touch her the way he yearned to. Howie always has the option of quitting and denying he's the tipster if someone comes close to revealing him. "Thank you, darling," she said, but the tone didn't come close to matching the words. It all appeared innocent until her feet touched the ground, and then he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her as his lips sought hers hungrily. Although companies need to hire capable, dependable employees, they should not be able to dictate what their employees do in the comfort of their own homes. In that case, consider using a semi-professional closing remark. Half her face was knotted with horrible scars, the other half displaying skin close to the same shade as the white pillowcase beneath her. It's getting close to supper, so I'd better go in. The baggage carts drew up close together and the men began to prepare for their night's rest. She set the alarm and fluffed the pillows, but it did no good to close her eyes. Thorn was not a close-fighting man. Suddenly he heard musket fire quite close in front of him and behind our troops, where he could never have expected the enemy to be. Generally, there will be a summary, but narrative essays might carry an exception. A shiver ran through her as he sat close enough for their bodies to brush. He moved to sit on the trunk at the end of the bed, close enough to see the details of her features without being too tempted to take her in his arms. She snuggled close to him and his lips found hers again. Sentence Examples He reserved his decision on withdrawing the warrants until close of business next Wednesday. Her head was spinning, her vision narrowing, and she paused close enough to Rhyn to lean against him. She must have lived close to the stables but there's no telling where she worked. They rode close by continuing to converse, and Prince Andrew involuntarily heard these words: Another time, general attention was attracted by a small brown dog, coming heaven knows whence, which trotted in a preoccupied manner in front of the ranks with tail stiffly erect till suddenly a shell fell close by, when it yelped, tucked its tail between its legs, and darted aside. They had compared Martha's drawing to the contour maps of the area back at Bird Song and decided this was as close to the general area of the mine that any type of roadway touched. The ship slowly sank. Was it because all the stupid clones out there who read this trash lack the brains to come close to finding her? The amount of student loan debt is an indication that something is definitely wrong with the system. Well, it’s true. The highway department would periodically close the road and, using explosive devices, create slides in a controlled condition, lessening the chance for a surprising and perhaps deadly run loosed by nature on the unsuspecting below. It was impossible for Dean to get close enough to Billy to question him. It's in the newspapers and magazines but no one but only I with my brilliance have come close to finding the secret! If not for the nightmares, she'd carry him back to his bed, whether or not he liked it, but she found some comfort in having the angel so close. 73% of young Americans ages 12-17 years old, Learn how to write an analytical essay outline, Learn more about writing expository essays, Learn more about writing narrative essays, Learn more about writing persuasive essays, Learn more about writing argumentative essays. (dangerously, awfully, frighteningly, uncomfortably, terribly) " The countries are geographically close. Her murder wasn't close to his style nor was she the right age. Closing Remark: As discussed above, use a professional email closing, unless you are sending an email to a close friend or colleague. Cynthia scrunched close to Dean's ear, trying to hear the conversation, and offered a word or two as well. We were content to allow him this small title of uniqueness knowing it was killing him to be so close to a scientific miracle with hands tied and mouth gagged against announcing his findings to the world. at the beginning or at the end of the conditional sentence)? Pushing the cabinet closed, she jumped to find the stranger so close. Being so close rattled her senses, and she thought again of the kiss they had shared over a month before. Your conclusion should answer any unresolved questions and end your essay with a bang! Dean moved close enough to bump Fitzgerald but held his temper. She squirmed, unwilling to be defenseless with the tarantulas so close and uneasy with the warm energy flowing again between them. In the first example, the adjective modifies the subject, and in the second example, the adverb modifies the simple predicate. He waited for the portal behind her to close. Meeting the Dark One so close to the fortress, then, was not an option. Close your eyes and just work with me here. Many Baby Boomers believe that participation trophies serve as a symbol of millennials’ sense of entitlement. The definition of a clause is a part of a sentence in grammar. If you please, could not guards be placed if only to let us close the shop.... Four borzois with collars were pressing close to the wheels. The cavalry singers were passing close by: Gathering her in his arms, he pulled her close - his lips seeking hers hungrily. Donnie sat close to his mother doing a Denver Post crossword puzzle. The obvious choices for compassion in the Hunger Games may be Katniss or Peeta, but the character who personifies compassion best was Prim. The arms that rescued her continued to cradle her gently, and what the fall had failed to do to her heart beat, his close proximity completed. Hundreds of little sail-boats swung to and fro close by, and the sea was calm. Because of the political tensions between different countries, it is not likely that a worldwide ban on nuclear weapons would be followed by every world leader. From the Cambridge English Corpus Another corresponding field of authority and power given equally close scrutiny is that of the armed forces. She doesn't realize her time on this earth is ebbing to a close, perhaps only minutes from now after she answers my questions. Under the table and on the wall are a phrase in the above example and rest are the clauses. It took fifty minutes before the door burst open and Howie dashed out and up the stairs with Martha close on his heels. He swore the tip came from someone, unidentified, but close to the rapper. I do not know, but it will certainly happen! She watched, unnerved at how close the battles were. Dean was close enough that he could smell the musk of her freshly washed body as she took a deep breath and let out a long and resigned sigh. New client brought in a dump truck full of receipts and needs his return done by close of business today. However, more limitations on testing and launch authorizations should be enforced to ensure hot-headed leaders do not use or even advertise these dangerous weapons simply as a show of force. A concluding sentence serves to close a paragraph so that the reader knows that they have finished reading the paragraph and understands the subject matter in the paragraph. He had the letter taken from his pocket and the table--on which stood a glass of lemonade and a spiral wax candle--moved close to the bed, and putting on his spectacles he began reading. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. One afternoon I amused myself by watching a barred owl (Strix nebulosa) sitting on one of the lower dead limbs of a white pine, close to the trunk, in broad daylight, I standing within a rod of him. 8. I reached for the wine decanter, poured myself a glass, and asked if he would like some. He hadn.t eaten in too long, and to have his mate so close … Rhyn took the stairs two at a time until he reached the roof. Sometimes the way Alex looked at him when he was talking - times when he was actually listening to him - it seemed to her that he felt that close bond. Spanking has become an outdated and lazy way of punishing children. Dusty waited until he heard the door close behind him before he moved. She neared him as she spoke, pausing close enough that she had to crane her head back to meet his gaze. The close list of example sentences with close. Technology marches forward—perhaps not forever, but as close to forever as we can understand. She crossed her arms, close to panicking. He was standing close to the door and as soon as it opened his rough old arms closed like a vise round his son's neck, and without a word he began to sob like a child. Fred O'Connor and David Dean kept close tabs on the New Jersey nuptials via telephone. 10 examples: Furthermore, logotherapy assumes that life may have meaning even at the end of… Here I am, so close to the tipster I can smell her; or him. I've found four unsolved abductions over a six year period that look very close to his work. Failing to realize that it is used to close the final thoughts on a subject is a common mistake many writers make. It all boils down to three main parts: a transition from the last body paragraph, a summary of the thesis statement and main points of the essay, and a closing statement that wraps everything up. In spite of the lapse of years, they seem so close to me that I should not think it strange if at any moment they should clasp my hand and speak words of endearment as they used to before they went away. Nauseous from panic, I elbowed my way close enough to see a female figure, her face covered with an oxygen mask. Men would be carrying swords and fighting each other in the street. If harm gets too close, stop your activities. The result tended to show it was relatively close by. Allen couldn't be rejected, so he belittled her intelligence, the close relationship with her family and accused her of cheating on him. Most of the lodgers were about their daily activities, with Fred off to the post office, Maria doing her duties with her usual exuberance, and the Deans hovering close by. Once your essay is drafted, have one of Kibin’s talented editors take a look at it for you. There are better ways of determining whether someone is right for a position, including education, past employment, personal and professional references, and trial periods. All I could think was once again, we were oh so close, but he'd alluded us. and, blocking her path, he brought his face close to hers. I hope to bring my industry expertise and past experience … Are you feeling better today? So, also, every one who has waded about the shores of the pond in summer must have perceived how much warmer the water is close to the shore, where only three or four inches deep, than a little distance out, and on the surface where it is deep, than near the bottom. Standing up for my little brother made me feel like the character who everyone likes in those after-school sitcoms. He pulled her close and kissed her neck softly. If they all hadn't been so close, she would have thought he didn't hear the question. Only if you don't get any ideas and I can close my eyes when someone starts to slip. As the third day came to a close, she suspected they – more specifically, Gabriel ­– had really let her go. He raised an eyebrow, his chin lifting in what she recognized as a look very close to commanding. 3. Without a word, he backed the car until they were close to the one that had pulled out in front of them. Just like a protester, politician, or superhero, I’m here to lead by example. The theme of disguise in The Taming of … They had not seen her since their wedding but Cynthia spoke to her by telephone frequently and the two were as close as the distance allowed. My dog friends seem to understand my limitations, and always keep close beside me when I am alone. Jonny looked at the massive vamp, who made no move to close the distance between them. He made no move to close the distance between them. 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