The rivers are teeming with salmon and consequently they are full of hungry bears. The victim had three years experience with the Origo, with many bear observations, and there were sufficient weapons on board to equip everybody. All three of these bears could be seen on a Spring season hunt. A month later, in another tent erected a short distance away. The Efficacy authors limited their data to cases in Alaska. From less than 10 feet away, the guide and camp worker drew their .44 and .357 magnum revolvers and together fired four times, ending the 17-year-old bear’s life. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "ammoland-20"; Spring hunts are conducted by glassing the mountains and beaches for bears as they emerge from hibernation, this takes place in April and May. The sow had two large cubs that were likely 2 years old. The ability to publish and search for these incidents has increased over the years. 7. He only fired one round at the bear, which fell back and stopped moving when shot. Like anything hand forged, they cost, but they’re still around. “They didn't make a sound,” he said. Another five people of the crew set out separately with only a .22 pistol and a flare gun. Make your own judgments. Seager reported the incident to the state’s Fish and Game Department but, nine minutes later, the property owner called to say the bear was back and up in a tree. When the bear turned again, Mike finished it off. I realized that we were going to die if I didn't come to my senses, and I fell to the ground and located my shooter in the dirt. All were successful. 10. Glacier bears are black bears with a bluish-grey color. The revolver was placed in the archery hunter's pocket, so it was likely a 2″ barreled 5-shot revolver. July-August 2000, Dawson City, Yukon, Geologist with Authority to Carry, Black Bear, .44 Magnum. 12. No way out so I had to pull the trigger. Roy did not have any, so they gave him a can, plus some 12 ga cracker shells, and some other 12 ga shells will rubber bullets in them. All methods of defense against bears have similar problems of access. Completely buried, ear ripped off, stomach and genitals ripped open. There are numerous anecdotal accounts of successful handgun defenses against bears, which cannot be verified. The bear that had gone up the tree climbed down. 25 July, 2018, New Mexico:  Man stops New Mexico bear attack with 10mm Glock 20. Upon exiting, he saw a black bear at the corner of the tent, less than 10 feet away. She was on me,” Williams said. The black bear was driven off, fled up a tree, and was finished off with a rifle (the pistol was a Taurus Judge). This time, he said, one bear jumped off the side of the trail, and a few moments later the others seemed to take that as their sign to leave. This has happened to numerous back packers, Just look it up on line, Sure bear spray will stop a lot of… Read more », Although the airbase is no longer active, I served a full year at a remote AFB called Galena, located above the Arctic Circle right on the Yukon. Again Thank You for what I say is The Best Handgun Report I have ever seen. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; There is a considerable incentive not to report such incidents. On 1 September, 1995, two male tourists were attacked by an adult male bear on a remote island in eastern Svalbard. “I thought, ‘Oh no, this is going to be bad,'” said Byrum, who could see smoke coming out of the bear's fur where he had shot him. The bear moved away a little, behind some fire killed trees and brush, then came in again, fast. The hunters jumped up and separated. It was waylaid by the lunch, which it began to devour. The thrill of a traditional bear hunt. 2. 2. By August of 2019, we have found ten more cases, making 73 cases, with three failures, for a success rate of 96%. The archer sustained injuries to his hand and wrist, but hiked out under his own power and was transported by ambulance to Madison County Hospital in Rexburg. I believe I fired four or five shots. Ain’t gonna’ be carryin’ no .22 in bear country! Within seconds, the 275-pound animal had crushed the Wyoming man's jaw when it bit him in the face, fractured his rib and punctured his lung and left deep bite wounds in his calf and scratches across his back. Two backpackers from Sanders County reported shooting an adult female grizzly bear in self-defense on a forested trail near Dad Peak in the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, wildlife officials said. And that’s the kind of thing that concerns us with black bears.”. The bear dragged Seivenpiper's body almost 1-mile (1.6 km) uphill to a cache. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The incident was reported to the authorities. amzn_assoc_asins = "1510709797,081299406X,0971035563,B004Q3QRQI,0996655956,1620656930,0963986988,1483425789,0689815816,1983175498,1795614641,B076LFH34X,0913305170,0914697331,1571573461,1578334527,0811702693,B017OA0RWE,1620877015"; 10. In Thursday’s attack, the hunter told officials he was eating lunch under a tree when he spotted the bear and her cub in a watering hole. 13. Vouch is on the left in the Cowboy hat. Officials say the camper woke up to hear the bear going through an ice chest. The fisherman noted that he was near the “worm hole” area of the Snake River located approximately three quarters of a mile downriver from the Jackson Lake Dam. His guide told officers he found the hunter clinging to the tree nearly 50 feet from the ground. After that one of the lions jumped the fence come down here and the deputy shot it in my front yard,” Polk said. Detailed article From Rural Montana Magazine December, 2018. 27. As Miller rolled over and was getting to his knees, the bear, only about 40 yards away, came at him again. That is when his friend shot the bear with a .45. “If there was a glacier bear capital of the planet, it would be Yakutat,” Beier said. 200 grn HSN Bear loads 200 grains round nose flat point,  hard cast, 1041 fps. The hunter, who officials did not identify, climbed the tree to escape. They had agreed that if forced into defending themselves, one would use spray, the other would back up the spray with his pistol. We have found two cases where .41 magnum revolvers were used to defend against bears. There were seven successful defenses with 9 mm pistols. Glacier Guides is the longest-tenured outfitter operating on the Tongass National Forest, America's largest National Forest. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Addition 26 August, 2005 Selkirk Manitoba, RCMP handgun, Black Bear. 14. Read of the successes and failures for yourself. Glacier Guides is a second-generation Alaskan family-owned outfitter, with Master Guide Alisha "Mutts" … We have found one case where .45 Super pistol was used to defend against a bear., 1936, Alaska: From More Alaskan Bear Tales Page 267 .22 Rimfire  Reference January 31, 1936 black bear, From Spitsbergen: Svalbard, Franz Josef, Jan Mayen, 3rd Brant travel Guide, by Andres Umbreit, 7. But not Mr. Switzer. . “Each backpacker had a gun and each fired at the bear, based on the preliminary investigation,” he said. Glacier Guides’ Bear hunters most generally fly into Petersburg, Alaska. Twentieth Century. There were three uses of a 10 mm handgun, two against grizzly bears, one against a black bear (cinnamon color phase). Glacier Guides is the longest-tenured outfitter operating on the Tongass National Forest, America's largest National Forest. 6. (Later, I realized that by asking my brother to go into the dark to turn on the lights, I might have sent him to his death – that will haunt me forever.). CPW investigators say the man shot the bear because he feared the sow was trying to get inside his home at around 1 a.m. The instances collected were from 1883 to 2009. From Alaskan Bear Tales pages 107-108: Johnson picked up a stick, and pummeled the brute, and the bear dropped the woman and charged him. June 2010, Canada, British Columbia: A Grizzly Bear, a .44 magnum, and a brush with death. He poped a cap and dropped the bear. According to CPW spokesperson Kyle Davidson, a man living in the Rockrimmon area shot the bear after it broke into his backyard. Very likely a .410/.45 Colt revolver because, this from The resident got a handgun from a nearby room and fired at the bear, which ran off. Alex had to retrieve his 357 Colt revolver, unlock the box it was in, retrieve ammunition from another box, and load it. 1. 2. The only exception to that rule may exist on the first or last hunts of the season when hunters will be directed to fly into (or out of) either Juneau or Ketchikan. The effect also distorts distance, and can cause tunnel vision, focused on the threat. Three failures out of 93 incidents is a 97% success rate for pistol defenses against bears. Montana bear hunting is pure fair chase, no baiting or use of dogs, in fact we cant even … Alex was obligated to follow it up, and, fortunately, found it dead a short ways into the woods. All were successful. “They just started walking right at me. Page 160-161 of Safe with Bears, by Larry Kanuit 2018. 7. 1. ‘‘I thought the whole time, This is so messed up. There are black bear, brown colored bear,, cinnamon bear, blond bear, and black with a white v marking bears. Knowing there were bears in the area, they packed their .44-magnum handguns as defense against a possible bear attack. Incidents, where no human is injured, are seldom considered news. They both had bear spray and pistols. 26 June, 1987, Montana: Grizzly Bear Killed After Biting Warden in Montana Forest  .357 magnum, Pictures at Field and Stream Article here. June or July, 1991, Ontario, Canada, Garden Lake, black bear, .357 magnum (Colt Python) Mentioned in Comments on Ammoland. He unloaded all six shots at the brown bear, which lumbered away. My stuff works, but pretty it ain’t. While the second source says “revolver” the RCMP had been issued 9 mm handguns for 50 years at the time of this bear attack. The bear was knocked down, then ran off. The attack occurred in Pend Oreille County, Washington State, near Petit lake. He yelled at the dog, but it was too late. The animal was killed with the officer’s .40-caliber Glock handgun. He was coming like a freight train…in total chase-mode.”, Brush instinctively back-pedaled to avoid the charge, drawing the Ruger from its holster. This case is not classified as either a handgun failure or a success. 13. While encumbered with the tent and ropes, in the process of finishing setting up the tent, he saw a black bear stalking him, low to the ground, about 20 feet away. They moved but didn't answer the challenge. The Old Tools culture is alive and well in all of the English speaking countries as well as the Nordic and Eastern European ones. In the official report, obtained by a public information request, the revolver was identified as a .38. All were killed with multiple hits from the .45 caliber pistols. The startled cubs bawled out for their mother, which came running around the corner. Just after midnight on the 16th of July, 2002, a bear wandered into my camp and attacked me while I slept. This hunt is ideal for adventure seekers, bear enthusiasts and bow hunters. 1. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; 4. Its magnificent spruce forests, glacier fed fiords, crystal lakes, fresh water streams that boast Salmon runs numbering in the thousands with wide beaches giving way to the Gulf of Alaska. He worked all over the Middle East as a private military contractor, and has many kills under his belt. The bear, a three year old female, broke into Elconora's tent. 6 September, 2015, Colorado,  Winter Park .45 handgun (Mike Porras) and Mike Porras CO Fish and Game, black bear. “By then my gun had jammed,” Greg says. amzn_assoc_title = "Got Bear Spray? Seven of the eight uses of the .357 magnum were successful. The bear showed no signs of leaving, so he stomped on the floor toward her. Addition, July, 2005, Russel Gillespie, Seward, Alaska, as emailed to Larry Kanuit on 22 May, 2007. To summarize, we have found 93 verified cases where handguns were used to defend against bear attacks. Stinnett, a county fire and rescue chief, said he approached and was about 25 feet away when the bear charged him on all fours. Thank You! I skip a lot of gunner news now a days as it is way to much left and right stuff of which I have dealt with in 50 years of voting and 58 years of shooting. Using a pistol to defend against bear attacks is a viable option. The shot was enough to startle the bear and make her turn in the opposite direction. Three warning shots into the ground near the bear drove it off sufficiently for the couple and dog to escape into their house. During more warning shots, the guide's .30-06 rifle misfired, and one member fired at the bear, with his .357. They said they heard a noise and saw a bear charging at them. They are not used in the calculation of the success rate. State trooper Kim Babcock helped Boyd finish off the bear with her shotgun. From behind the flimsy barracade of twigs, I took aim for her throat, and yelled for the dogs to take her. The most common are .44 magnums with 28 cases, all successful. It was successful. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; When he turned for an instant to look at the light, I wiped the blood from my eyes and fired my first shot from the caliber .44-40 Vaquero. 21. 2. Our research looks at all cases that can be reasonably verified in print or video, or by interview. Glacier Guides’ Bear hunters most generally fly into Petersburg, Alaska. I swear as seldom as uses… Read more ». The bears were always roaming through our trash dumpsters, and could really lay a life-changing fear… Read more ». amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "ammoland-20"; 6 Oct. 2017, Wyoming: .45 Super Stops Grizzly Bear Charge. September of 1956 or 1957 Highland Valley, Geologist Alex Burton, Highland Valley, British Columbia, .357magnum Colt revolver, Black Bear. Kluting fired off a warning shot into the creek. Noah thought it was some sort of big animal. “She grabs me and throws me down on the ground. This is also the best time to hunt Glacier Bear, a rare blue color phase of the … The hunter forgot his ammunition for the hunter's .44 magnum. The .45 Kimber appeared in his hand and he was firing, with the bear taking up his whole field of vision. “The grizzly bear appeared to be heading towards the elk carcass and them, but they did not shoot at the time, instead they watched it in the hope it would go by the three of them,” the investigation said. The reported surprise encounter occurred along a section of trail with huckleberry bushes. She stood 20 feet away, with all her attention focused on my throat. The bear charged the group, then altered his attention to Harrop after Harrop fired a warning shot. The bear then snarled and hissed before charging Hughes, who shot it with a handgun. An unidentified person managed to haze the bear away, but after the group returned to the picnic, the bear returned once more. His first shot was from about 5 feet, into the chest. Response by Park rangers. 4. Then he fell onto his stomach, dug his face into the dirt and covered his neck. Then the bear attacked again, he said, moving incredibly fast, and that's when Johnson, still on his back, reached for the pistol he wore in a holster on his belt. amzn_assoc_title = "Thinking of Bear Hunting? They were successful. We have found three cases where .454 Casull revolver was used to defend against a bear. He shot her in the head again. The incidents are heavily weighted toward the present. The third case (Sommers) was not included because it cannot reasonably be determined if it was a successful defense with a pistol. All cases we have been able to document, since 1936, where a pistol was fired in defense against a bear, are included in our database. Spring of 1969 as detailed in Year of the Bear. “He was dead. They then drove the bear back away from their possessions. I interviewed Alex Burton. Other members of the team were sent ahead to clear a trail for smaller vehicles. Addition 15 September, 1985, near Healy, Alaska Ruger single action .357 magnum, grizzly, Ben Moore: Bear Attacks of the Century: True Stories of Courage and Survival P. 23-24, The shots were slightly delayed because the revolver was a single action. The bear drove the humans from their food and possessions. “It was just all adrenaline.”. amzn_assoc_linkid = "6dda07226f1b23d7a6a947ec8d3300b1"; Police Chief Michael Lewis said Thursday that, on May 13 at 12:25 a.m., officer Thomas Seager responded to a 911 call from a resident on Riverdale Road about a bear breaking into a garage. There was one successful defense with a .460 Smith & Wesson magnum revolver, against a grizzly. Alex rounded a turn in the trail he was on to see a grizzly bear only 25 feet away. I wish I was half that good. Flipped it out of my video stand w the sternam, heart & backbone blown out its back. The animal ran off and was found dead the next day behind the town offices. Ruth grabbed for the .41-caliber magnum revolver he was carrying in a hip holster and relied on his training and experience as a police officer to save his life. He had dropped his rifle but now had his .44-caliber revolver out. He dived forward with the rifle in hand and suffered only a claw wound to the back. 7 July, 2014, Alaska: .45 vs 9-Foot Brown Bear, .45 semi-auto. Ambush hunting over artificial bait stations is the most common black bear hunting strategy in virtually every state and Canadian province where the practice is allowed. “I had my hand by my side,” he said. It was thin, its teeth were black and broken. It was the second time in a week that hunters had encountered the family of bears. Two were wounded and finished off at the scene with a shotgun slug. Addition 31 May, 2010,  Eagle River, Alaska, .44 Magnum, Safe with Bears, p. 231. 5. Addition September 16, 2019, Gravelly Mountains, Montana, Grizzly Bear 9mm pistols. When those efforts didn't work, he felt he needed to protect his home and his family at that point,” CPW Wildlife Officer Steve Cooley explained. BTW, my backup handgun was a 44 mag redhawk w full length bbl (7 1/4 inch) shooting 320 grain WFN Hard Cast @ 1200 FPS & THAT WAS MARGINAL!! “The black bear turned in my direction and ran directly towards me,” Merry told ABC News. Likely same event, 24 September, 2019, GYE bear mortality database, attack on Archery hunter close range at Coal Creek BDNF-MT. This man tossed the gun to the first, who shot again. He kills the bear with his Glock 20 10mm during an extended fight. Five were successful, against black bears. He shoved the pistol and both hands into the bear's mouth, and fired. The bear came out from behind the outhouse when he was 20 feet away. 4. But Brenner loaded the pistol with full-metal-jacket bullets that penetrated to the bear's vital organs, he said. There was one successful use of a .44-40 revolver against a black bear, which was killed. Polar bear attacks are expected there, and tourists are not allowed unless they carry a high powered firearm. Turning his head toward the sound, Brush saw a monstrous brown bear charging toward him. With the bear closing to within six feet, Byrum fired a shot into the bear's neck. Both were successful. Morris underwent surgery at a Livingston hospital and was recuperating Monday at his brother’s house in Helena. He did this for several seasons and he became very familiar with the bears to the point of… Read more ». The adult female bear was killed and the 2-year-old cub was wounded and had to be put down. Seven were successful, one was unsuccessful. They recorded 6 failures to stop the attack out of the 37 instances. 6. Our Grizzly hunts take place in the Alaska Range south of Fairbanks. Montana spring black bear hunt success runs about 90% kill with about 110% shooting. I urge people to send in all documented cases of pistol defense against bears, including all failures. “He shot at it five times before it finally stopped and then once it was on the ground, it was still moving. A sow grizzly bear was shot with a pistol and killed after an encounter with bow hunters in the Gravelly Mountains on Tuesday morning. My hope was that the shot would sting the bear and help scare him away along with the flame and loud report. “She ran through that without even flinching,” he said. He said if he had been armed with a rifle or shotgun, he would have left it hanging at the entrance to the tent. 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The goal of Constitutional carry was attained said the homeowner fired at the bear handguns! Have much less reach and don ’ t work as well as other arcane arts he trailed her in woods! Was utilized but only extended 10 feet away, Montana, grizzly, a! Deputy Mattix is the best handgun report I have to use bear spray and the individuals authorities. Winchester ranger hollow points one shot, the same percentage as the Nordic and European.