Prior studies have attempted to assess the flip model in the United States for thrombolysis25 but not for EVT. CTA is widely available, with fast, thin-section, volumetric spiral CT images acquired during the injection of a time-optimized bolus of contrast material for vessel opacification. Recent Randomized Trials for Endovascular Treatment of Acute Stroke. Soon after these trials were published, a huge discussion has started about the optimal design of acute stroke care facilities, patient triage, and transfer protocols taken into consideration that 10% to 17% of the ≈795 000 new or recurrent strokes that occur annually in the United States are EVT eligible.1,43, Facilities where EVT is routinely provided in eligible patients are usually called Comprehensive Stroke Centers (mainly in North America) or simply Stroke Centers (mainly in Europe)44,45 compared with Primary Stroke Centers (mainly in North America) or simply Stroke Units (mainly in Europe). Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) in acute ischemic stroke. Therefore, the majority of patients only have access to EVT through inter-hospital transfers (drip and ship model), which are associated with significant treatment delays and worsen outcomes.9 Strategies to improve current direct access are necessary to achieve optimal clinical outcomes in patients with strokes. Stroke thrombolysis in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: how much do we do and how much do we need? This topic will review the use of mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke. The low mortality rates reflect to the low rate of symptomatic ICH and show the safety of flow-restoration devices compared with thrombectomy devices in the past. Stroke severity is characterized by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. The Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) is a systematic approach to detect early CT signs like the insular ribbon sign or obscuration of the lentiform nucleus13 (Figure 1). The difference between groups was more pronounced in the trials in which penumbral imaging with perfusion CT was used to guide patient selection. The catheter is then retrieved with constant negative pressure to avoid loss of thrombus. Furthermore, while the conditions for transport were considered in the model, we assumed that the clinical status of the patient would allow for the further transfer to an EVT capable center. Table II in the Data Supplement demonstrates the incremental coverage gain at 20-, 25-, and 30-minute cutoffs in all states. Stent-assisted mechanical recanalization for treatment of acute intracerebral artery occlusions. For these cases, direct aspiration of the thrombus can be used as an alternative technique. Although the technical aspects of EVT may be readily learned,54,55 the overall approach in acute stroke management necessitates good knowledge of cerebrovascular anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, management of potential complications, and the overall acute stroke management pathway. We do not report the characteristics of each center in terms of their coverage hours, number of procedures performed in a year, the quality of stroke care, or patient-level outcomes. We calculated bypass access at 20-, 25-, and 30-minute threshold as a sensitivity analysis, which demonstrated low yielding incremental gain over the EVT access coverage obtained using the 15-minute threshold, representing distribution of EVT capable centers closer to the densely populated areas. The most recent effort to map EVT access in the US was done using data from almost 10 years ago before the successful thrombectomy trials were conducted.22 These thrombectomy trials resulted in a significant change in EVT indications, utilization, and the need for more accessibility. In North America, the current and projected numbers of interventional neuroradiologists is considered adequate to supply the future need for acute stroke interventions51; however, such calculations are lacking for Europe and other parts of the world. Methods: We conducted a trial at 41 academic tertiary care centers in China to evaluate endovascular thrombectomy with or without intravenous alteplase in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Contact Us, Current US Access Paradigms and Optimization Methodology. C, Bypass model: if the closest non-EVT hospital is within 15 min and the drive time difference between population and closest EVT hospital and population and closest non EVT center is within 15 min, the EMS bypasses the non-EVT center in favor of EVT center. Flipping 10% hospitals with top population density improved access to 30.8%, while bypassing resulted in 45.5% having direct access to EVT centers. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. These situations include occlusions located in terminal internal carotid artery (ICA) and middle cerebral artery bifurcation and trifurcation thrombi, as well as hard thrombi configuration. (See \"Approach to reperfusion therapy for acute ischemic stroke\" and \"Intravenous thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke: Therapeutic use\".) Among patients presenting directly to a thrombectomy-equipped center with a large-vessel ischemic stroke, going directly to the endovascular suite and forgoing initial IV thrombolytic therapy provides noninferior outcomes compared with the guideline-recommended approach of giving alteplase to eligible patients before the procedure, the DIRECT-MT trial shows. Endovascular thrombectomy is of benefit to most patients with acute ischaemic stroke caused by occlusion of the proximal anterior circulation, irrespective … Regional evaluation of the severity-based stroke triage algorithm for emergency medical services using discrete event simulation. Illustrates the Results of Optimization Using Both Flipping and Bypass Methods Across All US States. Sensitivity analysis using bypass cutoffs of 20, 25, and 30 minutes resulted in national incremental coverage gain of 3.1%, 2%, and 1.1%, increasing overall direct EVT access to 42.7% at the 30-minute cutoff. Nearly 800 000 strokes occur in the United States and 1 million in the European Union each year. Local Info These results were consistent across the nation and by state level. Endovascular reperfusion strategies for acute stroke. A direct aspiration, first pass technique (ADAPT) versus stent retrievers for acute stroke therapy: an observational comparative study. Recanalization of large intracranial vessels using the penumbra system: a single-center experience. However, its use has been limited by several factors like the narrow time window after stroke onset and the only moderate recanalization rate especially in the proximal arteries.2 As a result, the implementation of IVT has been low internationally.3–5 Recently, a series of well-designed and well-conducted randomized controlled trials (RCT) concluded convincingly that endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) improves dramatically the outcomes of eligible patients. The procedure is repeated until a TICI grade of 2b or 3 is reached12 (Figure 3). While some states do employ legislatively directed efforts to direct patients with potential LVO to the closest EVT facility, most of the current systems in stroke care are designed to provide IV thrombolysis at the earliest time point and transfer patients to the EVT capable center in the drip and ship model. Using MedPAR data from CMS also excluded patients who are not covered by CMS; however, the likelihood of hospitals providing EVT while not including at least 1 patient that is insured by CMS is low. Of importance, the superiority of EVT compared with IVT alone was identified in several subgroups of patients like those aged ≥80 years, those randomized >300 minutes after symptom onset, and those who were not eligible for IVT.14,35–39,42, The recent EVT RCTs made convincingly clear that a paradigm shift in the organization of acute stroke care pathways is urgently needed. The state population was 25 145 561 people based on 2010 US Census. Email, From the Department of Neurology, The University of Texas at Houston (A. Sarraj, D.P., H.K., F.S., S.R., K.P., L.E.F., E.M.J., A. Sharrief), The University of Texas at Houston, Institute for Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases (S.S.), Touro Infirmary and New Orleans East Hospital, Neurology (S.M.-S.). Thrombectomy is a highly effective treatment for stroke with a number needed to treat (NTT) of 2.6 for an improved functional outcome. In this review, we describe the strategies of endovascular treatment, analyze the reasons of the superiority of the thrombectomy in recent trails. Tandem occlusions are not common but represent challenging therapeutic conditions in the setting of acute ischemic stroke. The present review provides an overview of the technical aspects of the procedure, discusses patient selection criteria, summarizes the current evidence from randomized trials about its efficacy and safety, and explores its implications in the organization of acute stroke care. Timely treatment and intervention can minimize long-term disability by salvaging the at-risk penumbra and, consequently, reducing the associated morbidity and mortality. Although census tracts are small in most cases, population is spread throughout the tract. We cannot account for the possibility of errors in data submission, but a superior source for identification of EVT centers does not currently exist. Impact of ASPECTS on computed tomography angiography source images on outcome after thrombolysis or endovascular therapy in large vessel occlusions. Customer Service Nine states have <10% coverage, 34 states have 10% to -25% coverage, and only 8 states have >25% coverage. Figure 1. Current stroke care algorithms result in a large proportion of patients being taken to non-EVT centers and subsequently transferred for EVT which results in significant inter-facility transfer delays and worse outcomes. Chu HJ(1), Tang SC(2), Lee CW(3), Jeng JS(4), Liu HM(5). The fact that, in all these RCTs, EVT carried similar bleeding risk and similar 90-day mortality rate compared with IVT alone demonstrates that EVT alone is a safe intervention, and any bleeding risk is associated with the IVT, which may precede. 1-800-242-8721 However, in everyday clinical practice, collateral status assessment on CTA can be prone to interobserver variability. We evaluated current EVT-capable center distribution and identified the current US population with direct EVT access within 15 and 30 minutes utilizing geomapping techniques. Some stroke interventionists and stroke physicians prefer general anesthesia with intubation, assuming it may be associated with less pain, anxiety, agitation, movement, and lower risk for aspiration, whereas others favor conscious sedation to save time, evoke less hemodynamic instability, and risk fewer ventilation-associated complications. Then, the microcatheter is removed to deploy the device under fluoroscopy. The MR CLEAN trial randomized 500 patients, with 233 assigned to intra-arterial treatment plus usual care and 267 to usual care alone.13 Patients were eligible if they had proximal anterior circulation occlusions that could be intra-arterially treated within 6 hours of symptom onset. These characteristics, while observed across the United States, may not hold for other countries with significantly different population distribution and density and where longer transfer times may be warranted for optimization of coverage. B, Successful recanalization of the artery. The HERMES meta-analysis (Highly Effective Reperfusion Evaluated in Multiple Endovascular Stroke Trials Collaboration) showed that EVT was beneficial also in this subgroup of patients.15. Establishing the first mobile stroke unit in the United States. C and D, Poor collaterals in left hemisphere stroke after terminal internal carotid artery occlusion predicting unfavorable outcome. © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Alberta Stroke Programme Early CT Score. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB), Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), Customer Service and Ordering Information, Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research, Focused Updates in Cerebrovascular Disease. Further flipping of an additional 10% of the centers was less effective with the majority of the states gaining <5% additional coverage. Focusing on the 4 large example states, flipping resulted in ≈7% to 14% increase in direct access to an EVT-capable center within 15 minutes while bypassing resulted in additional coverage ranging between 19% and 28%. Current direct access within 15 minutes is available to 4 million (20.9%), which increased to 6.7 million (34.7%), a gain of 13.8%, when the top 10% of non-EVT centers (7 hospitals) were flipped in the hypothetical scenario (Table 3; Figure 3A-2). The optimization models were deployed in all states and described in detail in 4 example states (Texas—TX, New York—NY, California—CA, and Illinois—IL), since they provide an opportunity to examine different optimization scenarios with large number of EVT and non-EVT hospitals as well as a significant heterogeneity in their distribution and population distribution and density. Thrombectomy within 8 hours after symptom onset in ischemic stroke. Excellent recanalization results can be achieved with this technique with rates of Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (TICI) grade 2a/b or 3 flow as high as 90%. organization. IV tPA was not given in the ED, and instead intra-arterial tPA is given as a bolus and as an infusion during mechanical thrombectomy to remove the thrombus. The second step is mechanical recanalization of the occluded intracranial artery with the stent retriever or aspiration technique (Figure 5). However, bypass showed more potential for maximizing direct EVT access. In summary, our results showed that for most of states, the bypass approach resulted in better direct access to EVT-capable centers. The closest stroke center and the closest EVT center were identified based on the shortest distance using the geographic information system. Endovascular thrombectomy with stent retriever in acute ischemic stroke. Nationwide, the current direct access within 15 minutes of 19.8% increased by 7.5% by flipping the top 10% non-EVT to EVT-capable in all states. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Results varied by states based on the population size and density. Optimization methodologies that increase EVT centers or bypass non-EVT to the closest EVT center both showed enhanced access. Predictors of good clinical outcomes, mortality, and successful revascularization in patients with acute ischemic stroke undergoing thrombectomy: pooled analysis of the Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia (MERCI) and Multi MERCI Trials. †In states where bypass model using 15 min threshold did not identify any population center that would benefit from bypassing, no results were reported. Objectives To evaluate the efficacy and safety of endovascular treatment, particularly adjunctive intra-arterial mechanical thrombectomy, in patients with ischaemic stroke. CTA confirms the existence of a large vessel occlusion, allows localization of the occluded vessel, and may facilitate the intervention by obviating the need for cerebral angiography of nontarget vessels. Endovascular thrombectomy is done in the radiology department. Figure 2. Sensitivity analysis using cutoffs of 20-, 25-, and 30-minute bypass times was also performed to assess the potential additional gain beyond 15-minute bypass time. Thirty states gained >10% additional coverage with this methodology with 9 of them gaining >20% in additional population coverage. *Drs Papanagiotou and Ntaios contributed equally to this work. US stroke treating centers were identified using MedPAR data, with centers reporting International Classification of Diseases-10 CM codes for IV thrombolysis along with a diagnostic code for AIS. In the state of New York, 105 stroke centers provide stroke care to 19 378 102 individuals, 34 of which are designated as EVT-capable centers. Scoring systems for prehospital screening of LVO have shown a good sensitivity and specificity in small scale nonrandomized studies,13,14 and randomized trials are ongoing to confirm their utility in identifying LVOs and improving clinical outcomes.15 Prehospital care via mobile stroke units that drive to patients’ locations within a certain radius to administer IV tPA can also help to identify patients with potential LVO. This was confirmed in all RCTs.15. Current direct EVT access within 15 minutes is limited to one-fifth of the US population. This approach has the added benefit of ease of implementation and requires less time and resources. The population data were obtained from US Census 2010 and may not accurately represent the current population distribution and locations of the population centers. Mechanical recanalization with flow restoration in acute ischemic stroke: the ReFlow (mechanical recanalization with flow restoration in acute ischemic stroke) study. The aspiration technique has been an early hallmark in the history of mechanical thrombectomy, and its use has been demonstrated in a large number of trials and clinical experiences.28 Over the past few years, new aspiration devices were developed including changes in the distal inner diameters of the catheter; therefore, the aspiration technique is in some centers used as a primary approach for intracranial artery occlusion. Objective To examine the association between endovascular mechanical thrombectomy and clinical outcomes among patients with acute ischemic stroke. A randomized trial of intraarterial treatment for acute ischemic stroke. Intracranial thrombectomy using the Solitaire stent: a historical vignette. Importantly, this technical success was translated into clinical improvement because it was shown that the likelihood of good outcome increased with better recanalization.14,35–39, In particular, all 6 RCTs showed improved functional outcomes in the EVT group compared with the IVT-alone group. The results of prospective studies showed high rates of favorable clinical outcomes at 3 months.26,27 The improved clinical outcome with flow-restoration devices is because of fast and effective clot removal and the possibility of temporarily restoring flow.23 Moreover, the use of stent retriever devices is associated with low rates of symptomatic ICH and low mortality rates. A and B, Acute atherosclerotic occlusion shortly beyond the origin of the ICA (white arrows). Additionally, obtaining a ground or air ambulance unit for the secondary transfer, particularly if IV tPA has been given, is a challenge to efficient transfer in resource poor regions, including rural areas. Bypass protocols also require efficient prehospital identification of patients with potential LVO with special training of EMS responders or wider implementation of mobile stroke units. 1 –8 The HERMES 9 individual patient meta-analysis found that for every five patients treated with EVT, two would have reduced disability by at least one level on the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). For >20 years, the only proven causal treatment of acute ischemic stroke has been the intravenous thrombolysis (IVT), that is, administration of alteplase, a recombinant tPA (tissue-type plasminogen activator). The population census (US Census Bureau 201010) was used, and each state was divided into census tracts with its associated population, and then the population-weighted center point (centroid) of each tract was identified. Time to treatment with endovascular thrombectomy and outcomes from ischemic stroke: a meta-analysis. Author information: (1)Stroke Center and Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; Department of Neurology, En Chu Kong Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. The time window for IVT and EVT plays an important role in clinical outcome, as it was shown that their efficacy is time-dependent: in anterior circulation strokes, the impact of successful thrombectomy is greater in the first 3 to 4.5 hours after stroke compared with late recanalization after 5 to 8 hours.6 Although IVT is a treatment option ≤4.5 hours after stroke onset, additional or primary EVT can be performed within a more extended time window: in recent RCTs, only few patients who could not have groin puncture by 6 hours were included. Figure 3. The recent RCTs recruited mainly patients with moderate-to-severe stroke symptoms. The breakthrough in interventional treatment of acute stroke was achieved in 2008 by the use of stent-like thrombectomy devices which are now called stent retrievers.23,24 The majority of patients in the recent EVT RCTs were treated with these devices; in contrast, previous neutral RCTs of EVT used older devices, something which was considered as one of the causes of failure to identify a beneficial effect of EVT in these trials. Whereas UTHealth employs Dr Savitz with expertise in stroke, UTHealth has served as a consultant to Neuralstem, SanBio, Mesoblast, ReNeuron, Lumosa, Celgene, Dart Neuroscience, BlueRock, and ArunA. Patients can be divided into those with wake-up stroke and daytime-unwitnessed stroke. The population direct access coverage similarly varied but was still overall suboptimal. Recanalization of acute basilar artery occlusion improves outcomes: a meta-analysis. Similarly, the 15-minute direct access to EVT centers varies between states, ranging from 2.3% to 38.6% of the states’ populations. Moreover, we attempted to optimize current direct EVT access in all states, with a focused assessment of 4 states, by deploying 2 optimization methodologies to maximize the endovascular coverage for the states’ population. Among this population, 61 million (19.8%) have direct access to EVT within 15 minutes. Endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke: A single-center experience in Taiwan. Our analysis showed that only one-fifth of the US population has direct access to an EVT capable center within 15 minutes of transportation time. Important features of the patient’s presentation that bear on EVT decisions include the time of presentation, the clinical status of the patient, and imaging characteristics. All these RCTs reported an increased rate of successful recanalization, which was defined as a TICI grade of 2b or 3 and varied between 59% and 88%. Importantly, education to improve early detection and efficient secondary transfer of patients with LVO is necessary regardless of which combination of strategies are used to enhance direct access to EVT since a large proportion of patients with acute stroke will inevitably arrive via privately owned vehicles.20 Telestroke services can be proposed as a potential solution to expedite early treatment with tPA and transfer to EVT-capable centers.21. Geographic access to acute stroke care in the United States. Abstract. Correspondence to Amrou Sarraj, MD, Department of Neurology, UT McGovern Medical School, 6431 Fannin St, MSB 7.044; Houston, TX 77030. At present, at an international level, in most cases, the stroke interventionist performing EVT is an interventional neuroradiologist. Delineation of the association of treatment time with outcomes would help to guide implementation. Patients with acute ischemic stroke from large-vessel occlusion in the anterior circulation were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to undergo endovascular thrombectomy alone (thrombectomy-alone group) or endovascular … Model B used bypassing methodology to directly transport patients to EVT centers within 15 min from the closest non-EVT center (orange). 1-800-AHA-USA-1 CT indicates computed tomography; ESCAPE, Endovascular Treatment for Small Core and Anterior Circulation Proximal Occlusion With Emphasis on Minimizing CT to Recanalization Times Trial; EXTEND-IA, Extending the Time for Thrombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits—Intra-Arterial Trial; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MR CLEAN, Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; REVASCAT, Randomized Trial of Revascularization With Solitaire FR Device Versus Best Medical Therapy in the Treatment of Acute Stroke due to Anterior Circulation Large Vessel Occlusion Presenting Within Eight Hours of Symptom Onset; SWIFT-PRIME, Solitaire With the Intention for Thrombectomy as Primary Endovascular Treatment Trial; THRACE, Thrombectomie des Artères Cerebrales Trial; and tPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator. The American Heart Association is qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt anticoagulant in cardioembolic stroke, intravenous rt-PA giving within 4.5 hours, caring stroke patient in stroke unit, decompressive wide craniectomy in middle cerebral artery infarction, and the last new evidence of mechanical thrombectomy or endovascular treatment. K. Carroll reports employment from Stryker Neurovascular during the conduct of the study; employment from Imperative Care outside the submitted work. Importance Endovascular thrombectomy with second-generation devices is beneficial for patients with ischemic stroke due to intracranial large-vessel occlusions. Figure 1. All U-turns were allowed. Arterial imaging of the cerebral circulation, preferably with CTA or alternatively with magnetic resonance angiography, is a sine qua non for the assessment of patient eligibility for EVT. Different strategies have been proposed to increase the access to thrombectomy. A control angiogram is performed after successful unfolding of the device. Endovascular thrombectomy with the aspiration technique in acute ischemic stroke. Entrapment of the thrombus is indicated by the absence of backflow. Optimization by flipping the top 10% of non-EVT hospitals (13 hospitals) resulted in an 11.8% additional coverage to increase the direct access to 13.9 million (37.3%) people, whereas optimization with 15-minute bypass resulted in a 28.4% gain over the current access and a new direct access to 20 million, 53.9% of the California population (Table 3; Figure 3A-3 and 3B-3). BP-TARGET (Blood pressure target in acute stroke to reduce Haemorrhage after endovascular therapy) is a randomized, multicentre study comparing standard management of systolic blood pressure (SBP) per international recommendations (SBP < 185 mmHg) vs. intensive blood pressure management with SBP <130 mmHg in 320 patients. Presented in part at the International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, CA, February 19–21, 2020. However, in many patients, information on the beginning of symptoms is not available. The state of Illinois and its 12 830 632 population are served by 33 EVT and 52 non-EVT stroke centers. Model-A used a greedy algorithm to capture the largest population with direct access when flipping 10% and 20% non-EVT to EVT-centers to maximize access. Population Characteristics, Density, Number of Stroke-Treating Hospitals, Proportion of EVT Capable Centers, and Current EVT Access Within 15 Minutes Across the United States. At present, endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) has been gradually became a standard therapy for stroke patients caused by emergent large-vessel occlusion (ELVO). Therefore, in these patients, acute stenting of the extracranial ICA should be performed to recanalize the vessel.31 The intervention in patients with tandem occlusions consists of 2 steps: the first step is revascularization of the extracranial ICA segment with stent implantation, as in the treatment of atherosclerotic stenosis. Flipping the most impactful 10% of the non-EVT hospitals to EVT capable centers resulted in an absolute gain in direct access ranging between 2.8% and 28.1% among all states (Table 2). Stroke centers were mapped utilizing geomapping techniques with geographic information system (ArcGIS Pro 2.4.0, Esri). Safety and efficacy of thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke (REVASCAT): 1-year follow-up of a randomised open-label trial. Recommendations for the establishment of primary stroke centers. Based on these trials, the American Heart Association guidelines provided level 1A evidence for EVT for patients with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores of ≥6.11, However, there is a significant proportion of patients with acute ischemic stroke and large vessel occlusion who may present with mild stroke severity (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score <8). Of stroke prevention, the stroke interventionist performing EVT is an interventional neuroradiologist after successful of. We need capable center within 15 and 30 minutes utilizing geomapping techniques showed... Have been proposed to increase the access to comprehensive stroke centers: the ReFlow ( mechanical recanalization flow. Proportion exceeded 25 % in around half of the thrombus can be used as an alternative to... Added benefit of ease of implementation and requires less time and resources ( recanalization! 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