Ø It improves morphological and physiological characters of cultivated crops. Your email address will not be published. The goals of plant breeding are to produce crop varieties that boast unique and superior traits for a variety of agricultural applications. Crop improvement refers to the genetic alteration of plants to satisfy human needs. Since last two decades the researchers are switching towards biotechnological approaches for crop improvement (Saurabh et al., 2014). Following are the major objectives of plant breeding: To increase the crop yield. For example, the gene Dt in Chromosome number 9 of maize increases mutation rate of other genes. In prehistory, human forebears in various parts of the world brought into cultivation a few hundred species from the hundreds of thousands available. Selection of the varieties for mutagen treatment: Ø  The variety selected should be the best variety available, Ø  Seeds, pollen, vegetative propagules, sometimes complete plant as treated with mutagen. Ø  Mutation breeding can improve the disease resistance of crop plants. Ø  Some genes show higher mutation rate than others. The related with mutation induction mechanisms, Role of mutation breeding in crop improvement and some highlight of mutant varieties, Mutation breeding strategy for obtaining mutants and Economic impact of a new mutant variety were reviewed well. Ø  Thus, the dose should be optimized for a maximum success rate. Ø  LD50 varies with crop plants and type of mutagen used. All that plant breeders do is mimic nature in this regard. Genetic Engineering. Ø  Till 1990, 219 mutant varieties of crop plants have been produced in India. Besides natural mutations that occur spontaneously due to various kinds of radiations and cosmic rays received from the sun and also emitted by several radioactive elements, mutation can also be artificially induced by a number o… The variability generated through induced mutations are either released as new variety or used as the parent for subsequent hybridization programmes. Marcus Jansen, ... Tino Dornbusch, in Bioassays, 2018. Abs genomic technologies, have led to an explosive growth agricultural by. Dept. Setting Breeding Objectives. Often, how-ever, desired variation is lacking. Ø  One or more clonal or sexual generations with selection are necessary for stable mutant phenotype. Ø  Induced mutations can induce desirable mutant alleles in crop plants. (vi) Pedigree Method (vii) Bulk method The new variety may have higher yield, improved grain quality, increased disease resistance, or be less prone to lodging. Show more. our crop genepools • But, plant breeding continues to yield gains • Concerns over long-term sustainability of crop improvement resulting in enhanced conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA • Use of genebank accessions directly in breeding programmes is fraught with constraints • Pre-breeding is, in effect, a bridge between In the conventional plant breeding programme, the development of a new variety or hybrid takes about five to twelve years, starting from inbred production and then hybridization and selection of F 1 hybrids. Furthermore it was possible to move useful genes by specialbreeding strategies. Crop Improvement Method # 1. It In general, there are three main procedures to manipulate plant chromosome combination. Hybridization was first of all practically utilized in crop improvement by German botanist Joseph Koerauter in 1760. Setting Breeding Objectives. (Ag.) The demand for food brings marginal lands into play for which stress‐tolerant crops need to be developed. Yield and yield stability remain the top priorities for breeders. 1. Vital: Vital mutations do not kill the individuals, vital mutations are important mutation program and they have been successfully used in crop improvement programmes. Lethal mutation: Lethal mutations kill the individual. Crop improvement 1. (2). Plant tissue culture comprises a set of in vitro techniques, methods and strategies that are part of the group of technologies called plant biotechnology. Enter your e-mail address. This is exactly what happens in nature (through evolution) and leads to the fixation of the mutation events. Rafiqul Islam 3.Prof. Plant breeders must be equipped with the tools to respond quickly to new demands by developing accelerated breeding techniques and the ability to screen for traits of interest rapidly among progeny. Keywords: Mutation, Breeding, Improvement, Stresses, environmental. This results in a plant population with improved and desired traits. Plant Breeding Impacts ... • Plant Breeding is responsible for about 50% of crop productivity increase over the last century, while the ... food prices, the role of plant breeding was taken for granted in many countries, leading to a sharp decline in plant breeding activities. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will learn about the Meaning of Hybridization Method of Crop Improvement:- 1. Ø  Mutation breeding should have well defined and clear cut objectives. Roles of Gene Banks. Ø  The term mutation was for the first time introduced by Hugo de Vries. Role of Bioinformatics in Crop Improvement . Non-ionizing radiations:  Ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Acclimatization 3. Plant Breeding and Horticulture Lecture Notes, Please Share for your Students, Colleagues, Friends and Relatives…, Brief and crisp. Identifying Parents. In the process they transformed elements of these species into crops though genetic alterations that involved … Climate variation is yet another challenge breeders have to respond to. Classification of mutation based on its magnitude: Depending upon the magnitude, the mutations in the organisms can be classified into two categories (1) Macro mutation and (2) Micro mutations. Plant breeding is the science of changing the traits of plants in order to produce desired characteristics. Kenya- Plant breeding budget by crop 18 4. tract-community (Vassilev et al., 20 Bioinformatics plays a significant role in the development of the agricultural sector, agro-based industries, -products utilization and better management of the environment. Limitations / Disadvantages of Mutation Breeding, Ø  The frequency of desirable mutation will be very low (0.1 % of total mutations). 15, No. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. 13.6.3 Plant phenotyping in crop research. Objectives of Hybridization 3. Production of polyploid crops; I he techniques of genetics for ‘producing polyploid crops have improved the) Yield of crops. Ø  Co8152 has 40% more yield than the parent. Dominant mutation do occurs, however, the chance of dominant mutation is very less. Ø  There may be problems in registration of mutant variety in many parts. The global demand for high-quality crops is continuously growing with time. (2). Kenya- Distribution of plant breeding emphasis by type of institution, 2001 thousand 1993 international dollars 19 5a. Steps in Mutation Breeding for Oligogenic Traits in crop plants. The usefulness of mutation breeding in crop improvement was demonstrated first in Sweden which embarked upon practical plant breeding of agricultural plants by means of X-rays and ultra violet induced mutations (Gustafsson, 1947). Creating Genetic Variability. Ø  Mutations often produce pleiotropic effects. Role of mutation breeding in crop improvement. Hybridization Methods of Plant Breeding in Cross-Pollinated Crops. Kenya- Plant breeding budget by crop 18 4. 2.1. Base analogues: Example: 5-bromo uracil, 5-chloro uracil, (4). Breeding involves the creation of multi-generation genetically diverse populations on which human selection is practiced to create adapted plants with new combinations of specific desirable traits. Crop improvement refers to the genetic alteration of plants to satisfy human needs. The methods are: 1. Ø  Auerbach and Rohion proposed the mutagenic ability of mustard gas (Sulfur mustard). It has been projected that global food production must increase by 70% to meet the demand caused by this growing global population, increasing incomes and consumption. They are different types of radiations which are categorized into two categories. Crop improvement is one of the most urgent tasks in current plant breeding, as an enormous increase in demand for plant-derived products will rise in the near future due to the growing human population and the depletion of fossil resources. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Ø  Quantitative characters characteristics of crop plants including yield can be improved by induced mutations. From these it is possible to understand the reasons for the improvements in yield. Ø  Induced mutations usually show pleotropy. variation(s) through breeding program for crop improvement. Success is gained by a multidisciplinary understanding and the deployment of relevant science and technology. 2, Supplement (2010) 89 techniques. Roles of Gene Banks. For more than one hundred years, Plant Breeding and Genetics at Cornell University has been widely recognized for developing novel breeding methodologies and discovering economically important genes and varieties. Ø  The number of varieties of crop plants produced by mutation breeding in India are given below: Rice                 :           24 varieties, Barley             :           12 varieties, Cotton             :           8 varieties. Role of Pre-breeding in Crop Improvement Authors: Kuldeep Tripathi and Padmavati G. Gore The narrow genetic base of agriculture today is apparent a threat to food security. Plant breeders must have access to genetic variation in crop species. Ø  The breeder has to screen a large population to select a desirable mutation. Since then, various new techniques have and are being developed to further increase the commercial value and yield of crops. Ø  Sugarcane Co8152 is a gamma induced mutant from Co527. Enhanced agricultural production through innovative breeding technology is urgently needed to increase access to nutritious foods worldwide. Ø  Seeds are best part in sexually reproducing plants. Ø  The F1 hybrids obtained from inter varietal cross are treated with mutagen to increase variability. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, The new variety may have higher yield, improved grain quality, increased disease resistance, or be less prone to lodging. modern agriculture practices becomes the serious threat to our rich biodiversity, as the genetically uniform modern varieties are replacing the highly diverse local cultivars and landraces in traditional agro … Ø  Mutation usually occurs in small section of plant parts such as seeds or meristem. Ø  In sexually reproducing plants dominant and recessive mutations are useful. Ø Mutation breeding can be used for both oligogenic and polygenic traits in plants. Agents with cause mutation in the organism are called mutagens. • According to James (2006), 100 million hectares were planted to transgenic crops … Plant Introduction: Plant introduction usually means the introduction of the plants from places outside the county, may be of same […] The gene mutation may be further classified as transition, transversion, deletion, duplication or inversion. Mutagenesis is an important tool in crop improvement and is free of the regulatory restrictions imposed on genetically modified organisms. Often, how- ever, desired variation is lacking. Dr. Md. Ø  Mutation breeding can be used to improve the specific characters of a well-adapted high yielding variety. Based on the effects of mutation, they are classified as: (1). Emerging biotechnologies enable us to work at the whole plant as well as the organ, tissue, cell, protoplast, chromosome and gene levels in our efforts to modify plants. The role of induced mutations in plant improvement. Ø  M2, M3 & M4 are subsequent generation derived from M1, M2 and M3. Sub-lethal mutation: They do not kill all individuals but reduce the viability. Relationship of Plant Breeding to Natural Selection. Ø  LD50: Dose of mutagen which will kill 50% of treated individuals. Plant breeding is defined as identifying and selecting desirable traits in plants and combining these into one individual plant. Rekisteröityminen ja … All these mutagens induce mutations in the genome by the structural or chemical modification of the genetic material (DNA). Since 1900, Mendel's laws of genetics provided the scientific basis for plant breeding. There are following applications of genetics in plant improvement. Alkylating agents: Example: Sulphur mustard, nitrogen mustard, epoxides, Ethyl-methane sulphonate (EMS), Methyl methane sulphonate (MMS), nitroso compound (Eg. Crop Improvement Through Genetic Engineering 2. Mutations induced in an organism by treatment with physical or chemical mutagen are called induced mutations. Tissue culture has been exploited to create genetic variability from which crop plants can be improved, to improve the state of health of the planted material and to increase the number of desirable germplasms available to the plant breeder. The 20th century has seen a tremendous increase in crop yields. To raise plants with desired characteristics. For thousands of years conventional breeding techniques have been used to improve crop plants. Ø  In rice, Jagannath is a gamma semi dwarf mutant from tall cultivar T141. Mutation breeding Plant breeding requires genetic variation of useful traits for crop improvement. Let us have a detailed look at the objectives and steps involved in plant breeding. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Ionizing radiations: They include particulate radiations (α-rays, β-rays and fast neutrons) and non-particulate radiations (X-rays andγ-rays). They reduce viability in the individuals. With that switch began the continuous process of improving the plants … Learn about our remote access options, BioHybrids International Ltd, Reading, UK. The improvement of crop plants by alteration of traits using traditional plant breeding program is time consuming and labor intensive. Ideally, it will have a Ø  Mutations are generally recessive; Dominant mutations do occur in nature. Keep visit easybiologyclass, Your email address will not be published. Ø  Mutant alleles are generally recessive. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}). To respond to the increasing need to feed the world's population, standing at 7.1–7.2 billion in 2013 and predicted to reach over 9 billion by 2050, as well as an ever greater demand for a balanced and healthy diet, there is a continuing need to produce improved new cultivated varieties of crop plants. Plant Breeding and Horticulture Lecture Notes, Gamma Gardens for Mutation Breeding and Crop Improvement (Advantages and Disadvantages), Hyphal Modifications in Fungi (Mycelial Aggregations in Fungi), Reproduction in Fungi- Part-2: Asexual Reproduction (Lecture Notes & PPT), Reproduction in Fungi- Part-3: Sexual Reproduction (Lecture Notes & PPT), Receptacular vs Appendicular Theory of Inferior Ovary Development in Flowers, Difference between Flower and Vegetative Shoot (Comparison Table ). 7 The future of plant breeding in society. Gene Banks: Role, Procedures, Acquisition, and Stewardship. Different genes in and organism show different mutation rate. Ø  However in clonal propagated plants, the dominant mutations are beneficial. To develop a disease-resistant crop. In this article we will discuss about the biotechnology in plant breeding. Plant breeding is a branch of agriculture that focuses on manipulating plant heredity to develop new and improved plant types for use by society. (6). Topics in Crop Improvement. Various breeding approaches that are more commonly used for genetic improvement of crop plants are known as general breeding methods. Macro mutations produce large phenotypic changes whereas in micro-mutation only small phenotypic changes will be produced. Ø  The mutation also increases frequency of chromosomal changes, mitotic and meiotic irregularities in the organism. Generally mutations are harmful to the organism. It is commonly known as ‘Fairchild Mule’. GRIN. Ø  The mutagen treatment reduces germination, growth rate, vigour and fertility of organism. Abs genomic technologies, have led to an explosive growth agricultural by. Plant Introduction 2. (1). Ø  All these damages increase with increase in the dose mutagen and duration of exposure. Acridine dyes: Example: Proflavine, Acridine orange, Acridine yellow, Ethydium bromide, (3). The mutation produced by change in the base sequence of gene is called point mutation or gene mutation. There is therefore an urgent requirement for new higher yielding varieties (Parry et al., 2007; Reynolds et al., 2009) with impro… Amongst the obstacles against this are the changing climate (increasing temperatures and more erratic rainfall) which most often compromise crop productivity (Parry et al., 2005) and the need to produce additional food and crops for bioenergy whilst minimizing the carbon costs of production (Powlson et al., 2005). Ø  Mutations are generally harmful to organism; small percentage of mutation is beneficial. Yield and yield stability remain the top priorities for breeders. Plant breeding, or crop genetic improvement, is the production of new, improved crop varieties for use by farmers. made in field crops by plant breeding are numerous (Poehlman, 2013). 6 The accomplishments of plant breeders. Ø  Stadler and Baoley described the mutagenic activity of γ- rays. Creating Genetic Variability. (1). Ø  Most of the mutations are recessive and their effects are not expressed due to the dominance of its allelic counterpart. We anticipate that CRISPR-Cas technologies, in combination with modern breeding methods, will play an important role in future crop improvement programs, but other technologies for genomic prediction and selection will also remain important. Mutation may be the change in gene, chromosome or plasmagene (genetic material inside mitochondria and chloroplasts. Increasing crop yields to ensure food security is a major challenge. Abstract. Crop improvement, the engineering of plants for the benefit of humanity, is as old as agriculture itself. Plant breeding using mutations. Much of the world's best soils are already in use and others are protected, for example, for environmental concerns. Procedure 4. Land available for crop production is limited and has stayed at 660 million hectares for the past 50 years. Plant tissue culture technology is playing an increasingly important role in basic and applied studies, including crop improvement. Meaning of Hybridization 2. Dr. Md. However, molecular marker is designed to meet this challenges regardless of its cost and it’s not affected by environment where ever the experiment is conducted either in laboratory or field condition. Induced mutations are considered as an alternative to naturally occurring variation as the source of germ plasm for plant improvement programmes, and as an alternative to hybridization and recombination in plant breeding. In the twentieth century plant breeding developed a scientific basis, and crop improvement was understood to be brought about by achieving favorable accumulations and combinations of genes. Handling mutagen treated population: Ø  Mutation treatment in seeds and vegetative propagules produce chimeras. Mutation occurs in nature are called spontaneous mutation. Ø  Nilsson Ehle initiated the mutation breeding programme in USSR for the first time. Ø  Cereals           :           350 varieties, Ø  Legumes         :           62 varieties, Ø  Fruits              :           40 varieties, Ø  Ornaments     :           462 varieties, Rice                 :           278 varieties, Barley             :           229 varieties, Wheat             :           113 varieties, Ø  China has produced 281 varieties (Top position), Ø  India has produced 116 varieties (Second position), Ø  USSR has produce: 82 varieties (Third position), Ø  Japan has produced: 65 varieties (Fourth position). Plant breeders must be equipped with the tools to respond quickly to new demands by developing accelerated breeding techniques and the ability to screen for traits of interest rapidly among progeny. Plant breeders must be equipped with the tools to respond quickly to new demands by developing accelerated breeding techniques and the ability to screen for traits of interest rapidly among progeny. FAO - Plant breeding and related biotechnology capacity survey status 7 2 Cameroon - Plant breeding budget by crop 15 3. Ø Mutation breeding can improve the disease resistance of crop plants. If any class of radiations are used as a mutagen to induce mutation in crop plants, the exposure of biological organism to the radiation is called irradiation. Conventional breeding is almost always based on phenotypic variation of the crops, which is affected by environments (non-heritable components) and crop improvement cycle takes long time. Crop domestication and the first plant breeders Chapter 2 Theory and application of plant breeding for quantitative traits Chapter 3 Main stages of a plant breeding programme Chapter 4 Methodologies for priority setting (Download - 751Kb) Chapter 5 Methodologies for generating variability. The term mutation breeding was first coined by. Ø  Mutation in quantitative traits is usually in a direction away from the selection history of the parent variety. Role of Bioinformatics in Crop Improvement . Yield and yield stability remain the top priorities for breeders. Kenya- Distribution of plant breeding emphasis by type of institution, 2001 thousand 1993 international dollars 19 5a. Really useful for exam point, Thank you Jaseela Mutation breeding programme should be clearly planned and should be large enough with sufficient facilities to screen large population. Many of these are reaching the limits of their improvement by traditional methods. As all traits of a plant are controlled by genes located on chromosomes, conventional plant breeding can be considered as the manipulation of the combination of chromosomes. Tissue Culture 6. Ø  The optimum dose of mutagen is expressed as LD50. Dr. A. K. M. Aminul Islam 2.Prof. Plant breeding is the science driven creative process of developing new plant varieties that goes by various names including cultivar development, crop improvement, and seed improvement. In modern agriculture, only about 150 plant species are extensively cultivated. of GPB Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding RAJASTHAN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE MAHARANA PRATAP UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY UDAIPUR- 313001 “ Role of Mutation Breeding in Crop Improvement… Chromosomal mutations are the change in chromosome structure. So, plant breeding, an interdisciplinary science, is moving towards a new horizon. It has been used to improve the quality of nutrition in products for humans and animals. Mutagenic agents, such as radiation and certain chemicals, then can be used to induce mutations and generate genetic variations from which desired mutants may be selected. Polyploidy 5. Why is crop improvement necessary? Ø  Among which 116 are seed propagated and 103 vegetative propagated plants. Ø  Mutagenesis also produces genetic variations in polygenic traits. The breeding strategy implemented by the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) is anchored in Agriculture 4.0 that aims to revolutionize the variety development system of the Philippines, thereby addressing the grand challenges the rice industry facing at present and in the future, considering the struggles of a sustainable agriculture in the face of global warming. Gene Banks: Role, Procedures, Acquisition, and Stewardship. Application / Advantages of induced mutations in crop improvements: Ø  Mutation breeding can be used for both oligogenic and polygenic traits in plants. Role of Pre-breeding in Crop Improvement Authors: Kuldeep Tripathi and Padmavati G. Gore The narrow genetic base of agriculture today is apparent a threat to food security. The agents which are used to induce mutation are called mutagens. Number of times cited according to CrossRef: https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470015902.a0002024.pub3. The change in the structure of chromosome can occur as a result of large deletion, inversion, duplication, translocation and change in chromosome number. The utilization of induced mutation in crop improvement is called mutation breeding. Others: example: Nitrous acid, hydroxy amine, sodium azides. Consequently, crop improvement research has to be a holistic effort wherein all disciplines must contribute towards achieving goals. Induced mutations can play an important role in the conservation and preserv ation of crop bi odiversity. The strategies used to meet these demands are increasingly based on our knowledge of relevant science, particularly genetics and reproductive biology. Objectives. Relationship of Plant Breeding to Natural Selection. goals of plant breeding are focused and purposeful. Identifying Parents. FAO - Plant breeding and related biotechnology capacity survey status 7 2 Cameroon - Plant breeding budget by crop 15 3. The 20th century has seen a tremendous increase in crop yields. Additionally, by the use of mutation inducing agents, a breeder can induce desirable changes in the genetic constitution of plants and thereby he can improve the performance of a cultivated variety. Emerging biotechnologies enable us to work at the whole plant as well as the organ, tissue, cell, protoplast, chromosome and gene levels in our efforts to modify plants. Increasing crop yields to ensure food security is a major challenge. Crop Transformation: • Fundamental question is does a plant breeder have enough genetic diversity (variation) within those species and genera that can be hybridized with the crop of interest? Natural selection operates to bring about evolution of new races and species through the variability created by natural mutations and amplified by subsequent recombination of genes during sexual reproduction. by Alexander Micke. Ø  A large number of crop varieties have been produced by mutation breeding all over the world. Plant breeding, or crop genetic improvement, is the production of new, improved crop varieties for use by farmers. Plant Breeding Objectives. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, By continuing to browse this site, you agree to its use of cookies as described in our, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use. N-methyl-N-nitro-N-guanidine-MNNG), (2). Mutation is the “Sudden heritable change in an organism”. 1. Author links open overlay panel R.D. This review reviews the past, Lec 22 Population improvement programmes, recurrent selection, synthetics and composites 130-139 Lec 23 Hybrids 140-143 Lec 24 Clonal selection 144-148 Lec 25 Hybridization 149-152 Lec 26 Mutation Breeding 153-157 Lec 27 Procedure for Mutatuion breeding 158-162 Lec 28 Application of Mutatuion breeding 163-166 Lec 29 (1) Ploidy breeding 167-180 Lec 30 (2) Ploidy breeding 181-194 Most of the mutations are lethal to the organism. To the point. Crop Improvement. In short, more food, fibre, fuel and forage need to be produced per unit of land, and time is of the essence. Plant breeders must have access to genetic variation in crop species. Ø  The mutagenic activities of X-rays were first described by Muller on Drosophila melanogaster (Nobel Prize). First, plants of a given popul… For thousands of years conventional breeding techniques have been used to improve crop plants. Plant breeders must have access to genetic variation in crop species. Role of mutation breding in crop improvement 1. CREDIT SEMINAR on Presented by- Sanjay Kumar M.Sc. Brock. 5 Milestones in plant breeding. Genetics and genetic engineering has placed an important role in improvement of plant production. Etsi töitä, jotka liittyvät hakusanaan Role of plant breeding in crop improvement tai palkkaa maailman suurimmalta makkinapaikalta, jossa on yli 18 miljoonaa työtä. Breeders must be visionary in planning for requirements in the future, at least 7–20 years ahead, as this is the timescale from initiating the breeding programme to release cultivars. Ø Induced mutations can … (3). The first artificial interspecific plant hybrid was produced by Thomas Fairchild in 1717. Ø  M1: generation produced directly from mutagen treated plant parts. Today most of major crops like wheat, corn are poly ploid. Ø  Mutation breeding can effective to disseminate an undesirable character from a crop variety. Mizanur Rahman Ø  Some mutations are recurrent, they occur again and again in the organism. of GPB Major Advisor- Dr. Amit Dadheech Assistant Professor Dept. Ideally, it will have a Yield and yield stability remain the top priorities for breeders. Mutation breeding Plant breeding requires genetic variation of useful traits for crop improvement. They are listed below: (i) Plant introduction (ii) Pureline selection (iii) Mass selection (iv) Progeny selection (v) Synthetic and composite breeding etc. A viable solution to release this pressure is to speed up the On Presented by- Sanjay Kumar M.Sc 's best soils are already in use others. Of mutant variety in many parts can be used to induce mutations and generate genetic 1! Frequency of desirable mutation will occurs with minimum killing of the first time select a desirable mutation based! M4 are subsequent generation derived from M1, M2 and M3 from these it commonly. Plants, the engineering of plants for the first time, it will have a mutation the. Problems in registration of mutant variety in many parts mutations ) for your Students Colleagues. Approaches that are more commonly used for both oligogenic and polygenic traits techniques of genetics provided the scientific basis plant... 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